Heating Automation

House heating automation through home assistant and ebus

Automation your damned heaters

I think we all want a more intelligent control over our heaters than what the standard thermostats have to offer. e.g. Automatically turning the heating off when leaving your home, scheduling the heater to turn on sooner in the morning when it’s cold, remotely turning on/off the heating when coming home, … .

Disregarding privacy concerns and long-term servicing for a minute, commercial solutions like Google Nest only seem to support on/off control of the heating. If we want to use proportional/modulated heating for more comfort, at the time of writing, the amount of solutions seems very limited.

Luckily, the open-source world has done a massive amount of work related to home automation and understanding the protocols used by commercial heating systems. Despite all this work, it is a learning curve to find your way through all the different tools / programs and how to use them. When my system ever breaks down I want to have some documentation how I did everything again. So I’ve made some documentation and made it public … .

Last modified October 30, 2021: refactored most documentation (cf8ccdf)